Six blind people aged 21 to 79 will make a 10,000-foot parachute jump. Each blind diver will be attached to an experienced sky diver, and the jump will take place at Hastings Airport in Barry County, Michigan. The airport is about 30 miles southeast of Grand Rapids. The blind divers come from the Michigan Commission for the Blind Training Center in Kalamazoo, and the oldest is Robert Willis, 79.
Canopy Relative Work
Canopy relative work is the discipline in skydiving that involves moving close to other skydivers in a formation. While the skydivers in this discipline can land at any altitude, their main goal is to land together. They use parachutes and lines to move closer together as they fall in the sky.
There are various types of canopy formations. The most basic type involves a pair of canopies joining together horizontally and vertically. Canopy formation specialists lead the dives and recommend the safest and most predictable procedures for each dive. Canopy relative work is all about ensuring that the two canopies flow smoothly through each other in flight.
Load Organizer
If you’re thinking about taking up skydiving, you may be wondering if a load organizer is right for you. A load organizer coordinates the skydiving group and the pilot in an attempt to ensure the safety of the skydivers. They do so by coordinating with the pilot in a manner that is compliant with BSR guidelines.
In addition to planning the jump, a Load Organizer will help you get comfortable in the sky and get used to the other people in your group. This can be beneficial in a couple of ways, including getting to know your fellow skydivers and getting to know the drop zone.
CYPRES is a brand of automatic activation device developed by the German company Airtec GMBH. It stands for “Cybernetic Parachute Release System“. The device allows skydivers to open and close the parachute with one hand. It is also known as the “demo” parachute, as it is performed in front of a crowd of cheering spectators and away from the relative safety of a normal dropzone.
CYPRES2 units are water-resistant, and their lifetime is 15.5 years. In addition, they have a jump counter and activation altitude setting. The battery is designed to last the lifetime of the unit, and it is replaced during regular maintenance checks.
If you’re in the office and want to keep the skyrocketing office temperature comfortable, you should consider using AAD blinds for your office windows. They are effective at blocking light, and cheapest blinds for windows. You can also get waterproof ones for a slightly higher price. The Vigil II and Vigil 2+ models are both available at ChutingStar for around $1190 each. The company has been producing AADs since 2003. The current m2 AAD model has been on the market since June 2011 and has been used in numerous saves.
The S&TA, or safety and training advisor, is an official dropzone representative who is appointed by a Regional Director. These experienced skydivers advise skydivers on the DZ, plan and proctor skydiving license tests, and provide advice on skydiving safety.
The role of an S&TA is to protect the interests of skydivers and skydiving organizations. In addition to observing and providing safety training to skydivers, they also investigate skydiving accidents, investigate bad incidents, and report violations and safety problems. These individuals are often the point of contact for the media and are vital for the safety of skydivers. In addition to the S&TA role, they also serve as a resource to drop zone members.